Monday, September 21, 2015

Europe Greece election: Alexis Tsipras hails 'victory of the people'

Media captionAlexis Tsipras: "The people gave a clear mandate for us to continue to battle in and out of the country"
Greece's Alexis Tsipras has said his left-wing Syriza party has a "clear mandate" after winning a second general election in less than nine months.
But he said Greeks faced a difficult road and recovery from financial crisis would only come through hard work.
Syriza has won just over 35%, slightly down on its previous result.
That is again short of a majority, but Syriza will form a coalition with the nationalist Independent Greeks. Conservative New Democracy won 28%.
The far-right Golden Dawn, which is set to be the third biggest party, won 7% of the vote compared with 6.3% in the election in January when Mr Tsipras was first elected.
Sunday's snap election was called after Syriza lost its majority in August.
Some of his MP's defected in protest at the signing of an unpopular new financial bailout deal with international creditors and formed the Popular Unity party.
But the new party has failed to gain enough votes to enter parliament.
Turnout in Sunday's poll was low by Greek standards at just over 55%.
Grey line
Analysis: Paul Moss, BBC News, Athens
They expected victory, but not by this kind of margin. Only days ago, pollsters and pundits were predicting a tight-run contest, Syriza neck-and-neck with its conservative rivals, New Democracy. Instead, Syriza can comfortably form a coalition government with its previous partner, the nationalist Independent Greeks.
Critics wondered whether it was worth holding a contest which left Greece with the same government as before. But Syriza's leader, Alexis Tsipras, is now in a stronger position, his decision to accept austerity measures in return for bailout cash apparently vindicated by the result.
Yet celebrations have been muted - hundreds not thousands gathering to sing, dance and wave flags. This country has more tough times ahead: tax rises, perhaps further cuts to wages and benefits. The re-elected prime minister has an in-box that no-one could envy.
Grey line

'Difficulties ahead'

"I feel vindicated because the Greek people have a clear mandate to carry on fighting inside and outside our country to uphold the pride of our people," Mr Tsipras told supporters in Athens.
"In Europe today, Greece and the Greek people are synonymous with resistance and dignity, and this struggle will be continued together for another four years.
Syriza supporters celebrate victory in the Greek electionImage copyrightAFP
Image captionSyriza supporters were jubilant as their party won its second election in a year
New Democracy supporters listen to the election resultsImage copyrightAFP
Image captionBut for New Democracy supporters there was disappointment as the scale of the defeat became clear
Mr Tsipras was joined on stage by Panos Kammenos, leader of the the nationalist Independent Greeks, who also entered a coalition with Syriza after January's election.
"Together we will continue the struggle we began seven months ago," Mr Tsipras said.
Greece remains recession and the new government has to satisfy international creditors that it is fulfilling the terms of the latest bailout package worth up to €86bn ($97bn, £61bn).
Creditors are due to review the progress of the programme in October. Some Syriza MP's remain opposed to its terms.
Jeroen Dijsselbloem, who heads the Eurogroup meetings of eurozone finance ministers, said he was "ready to work closely" with the new Greek government.
Alexis Tsipras on stage with Panos Kammenos of the Independent GreeksImage copyrightAP
Image captionMr Tsipras will be again sharing power with Panos Kammenos' Independent Greeks
The Greek electoral system means the party with the largest number of votes wins a bonus of 50 seats - and Syriza is predicted to have 145 seats in the 300-seat parliament, only four fewer than in Mr Tsipras's January victory.
The Independent Greeks, which is anti-austerity but agrees with Syriza on little else, won 10 seats. New Democracy won 75.

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